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Nov. 4 2011
On November 10 to 11, the Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (DCRC) will honor the nation's most reproductively fit dairy herds. What makes these dairy producers so successful is a question others may be...
Oct. 31 2011
A number of young Guernsey bulls, without official proofs, have daughters classified. The Hoard Farm team headed up by Jason Yurs continues to be pleased with the performance of young sires' daughters....
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Oct. 28 2011
Too cheap for too long, dairy producers have tended to take energy costs for granted. But no more. If the U.S. gas shortages of 1973 and 1979 were warnings of things to come, $4 diesel is proof that the...
Oct. 27 2011
The deadline, November 1, 2011, is quickly approaching for anyone who grows alfalfa to share their experiences with and opinions on the Roundup Ready product
Oct. 26 2011
For the first eight months of 2011, the average somatic cell count (SCC), for all months, has remained under 260,000. Traditionally, the highest SCC month is August. This year, August came in at 260,000
Oct. 25 2011
Leader, problem solver, teacher, and cowman. These are all words that easily describe the career of Dr. Leland Allenstein who passed away on October 22. Dr. Allenstein's influence on students, veterinarians,...
Oct. 24 2011
At first glance, the U.S. Department of Labor's (USDOL) proposed updates to child labor laws appear harmless. But, as is the case with most government regulations, the devil is in the details
Oct. 21 2011
Anyone shopping for corn or hay supplies may be in store for a challenge well into next year. Last week, USDA reaffirmed its bushels-per-acre estimate for the 2011 corn crop at 148.1, the lowest in six...
Oct. 20 2011
Nearly all the growth in September milk production once again came from the Western dairy states which all posted positive gains as they did in August. Leading the pack was Texas reporting a 10.1 percent...
Oct. 19 2011
If you're like me, you grew up watching the Miss USA pageant on TV just because it seemed like an important thing to do. In recent years, it seems to have become less and less important to Americans, and...
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Oct. 14 2011
Fear not, there is hope yet for America's youth. Not all teenagers have withdrawn into a black hole of no manners, nonstop texting, and social dysfunction. Just look at Future Farmers of America. Incomprehensibly...
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Oct. 13 2011
Dairy prices for October forecasted lower than September but stay above 2010 levels. Beef production remains strong. The milk production forecast for the remainder of 2011 has been raised. September production...
Oct. 12 2011
A collection of videos from the 2011 World Dairy Expo are available at our YouTube channel, We do have more videos coming, including the Supreme Champion Parade, William...
Oct. 12 2011
Hoard's at Expo Blogs 2011 Reports and stories from the 2011 World Dairy Expo Expo attendees journey home (10/10/2011) Million dollar lady named Holstein champion (10/9/2011) Early Saturday slide show...
Oct. 11 2011
A number of young Guernsey bulls, without official proofs, have daughters classified. The Hoard Farm team headed up by Jason Yurs continues to be pleased with the performance of young sires' daughters....
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Oct. 10 2011
Expo week was a successful venture for many, whether they walked the colored shavings, worked the trade show, or came to learn more about the dairy industry. Saturday, October 8 marked the end of yet another...
Oct. 9 2011
The Grand Champion and Senior Champion of the 2011 International Holstein Show was Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy. Missy was also a World Dairy Expo class winner in 2009 as well as Reserve Intermediate...
Oct. 8 2011
Merle Howard Award 2011 Merle Howard Winner: Karen Anderson, Minnesota Karen Anderson, a talented Guernsey youth from Lester Prairie, Minn., is the eighth winner of the Merle Howard Award. The honor is...
Oct. 8 2011
Given in memory of Merle Howard, the 1954 Klussendorf winner, the Howard award is given to World Dairy Expo's top junior exhibitor. Howard was a long-time World Dairy Expo volunteer, who served as herd...